Application For Training

Application for Training (1)


    Coffee For Good Incorporated (“Coffee for Good”), a 501 (c) (3) non-profit, employs and trains people with intellectual and developmental disabilities by operating a coffee shop in Greenwich, CT. The primary mission of Coffee for Good is to improve the lives of people with disabilities by reducing the high unemployment rate of people within that community. Coffee for Good operates a training platform that pays our employees an hourly wage and prepares them for competitive employment. After training has concluded - a process we expect will last between six to eighteen months - our trainees will celebrate their success with a graduation ceremony. Our employee/trainees will work approximately three days a week with a shift of three hours each day. Our training hours begin at 7:30am and end at 6:00pm; our customer hours begin at 7:30am and end at 5:30pm.


    The purpose of this application is to request information so we can determine positions and compatibility at Coffee for Good. Coffee for Good is a training platform where employees will learn skills “on the job,” while fully immersed in helping to operate a coffee shop. Employees are working on technical and professional skills towards independence in the workplace and will be available to join the workforce upon graduation.

    This application enables the Employment Committee to properly assess each candidate’s skills, abilities and background. A parent, candidate, counselor, school staff, and/or employer will be contacted by the Employment Committee to gather additional information.


    1. Completing this application does not guarantee acceptance.

    2. The Employment Committee will only accept fully completed applications; any incomplete application will be not be considered.

    3. If accepted and if a student is still under the purview of public schools, an IEP may be developed with the school IEP team. This is entirely the decision of the IEP team, not Coffee for Good.

    4. The Employment Committee will check references in this application and based on the information provided will interview all qualified applicants.

    5. In addition to an interview, Coffee for Good may have Assessment Days (date, time and place TBA) where prospective employees will meet the Coffee for Good team and undergo several “skill assessments”.

    6. As soon as possible after Assessment Day, applicants will be notified of whether they will be invited to join Coffee for Good employment training.




  • NameLocationYears CompletedGraduation Year 
    To add multiple high schools, please use the plus at the end of the line to add a new line for another high school.
  • Name of SchoolDates of AttendanceCourse of Study 
    To add multiple training opportunities, please use the plus at the end of the line to add another job-related training experience.

  • Acknowledgements

  • DatesEmployer NameEmployer PhonePostionJob DutiesDirect Supervisor Name 

    Please provide an accurate and complete list of your part-time and/or full-time employment. You may also include as part of your employment history any verified work performed on a volunteer basis. Start with your most recent employer.

    Please use the plus at the end of the line to add multiple Positions

  • NamePhone NumberRelationship to ApplicantYears Known 

    Please provide up to three: service provider, job coach, direct supervisor or work-related references.

    Please use the plus at the end of the line to add up to three references


    Please tell us why you would like to work at Coffee for Good and how you would be a great member of our team:

    Availability: Our training sessions are three hours long and are as follows: 7:30am to 10:30am, 10:30 am to 1:30pm, 1:30pm to 4:30pm and 7:30pm. Each trainee will work one session 3 days a week for a total of 9 hours a week. Coffee for Good will be open Monday through Saturday. Please indicate if you are not available certain days or certain training session times.

  • If you have a Job Coach or Support Provider, please provide name and phone number:

  • We appreciate your interest in working at Coffee for Good; it is the policy of Coffee for Good that employees should enjoy a work environment free from all forms of unlawful employment discrimination or harassment. Read more

  • I certify that all the information on this application, my resume, or any supporting documents I may present during any interview is and will be complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge.Read more

  • I give permission to Coffee For Good Incorporated, or any successor in interest thereto, (“Coffee for Good”) to use the likeness and voice of my ward, minor child, or myself (“Participant”), alone or with others, by means of photograph, video, audio recording, or any other medium that exists now or in the future and is chosen by Coffee for Good for use in promotional materials, fundraising or publicity, or for any other legal use within the scope of Coffee for Good’s purpose. Read more

    The mission of Coffee for Good is to improve the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities by reducing the high unemployment rate of people within that community by operating a coffee shop as a training platform. To help us to measure how well we are doing, we are asking you to tell us if you have a disability or if you ever had a disability. Completing this form is voluntary, but we hope that you will choose to fill it out. If you are applying for a job, any answer you give will be kept private and confidential and will not be used against you in any way. What is an intellectual or developmental disability? You are considered to have a disability if you have a mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity, or if you have a history or record of such an impairment.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.