Coffee Shop Stamford CT


We are proud of our trainees at Coffee for Good; as each brings their special talents to the variety of jobs at Coffee for Good.  Coffee for Good operates a coffee shop as a paid training platform.  Trainees learn all aspects of operating a high end coffee shop, which ranges from creating espresso drinks on our La Marzocco machine, to taking orders on our Point of Sale system.  If you are interested in learning more or being a future employer of our graduates please contact our Inclusive Employer Team at or stop in to visit us at the coffee shop.

Celine in the barista bar room.


About Celine

Celine has learned all of the main jobs at Coffee for Good, POS, Back Bar and Barista very quickly.  Prior to working at Coffee for Good she worked for her families restaurant.  Celine is such a quick learner that she has started to help train newer trainees.

Michael in his Coffee for Good uniform at the coffee shop.


About Michael

Michael is a graduate of Greenwich High School and Project SEARCH at Greenwich Hospital.  He has also interned at the cafe at Abilis Headquarters.  He is excited to work at Coffee for Good



About May

May excels at every job at Coffee for Good; in addition she is a great team member and helps to train our newer employees.  She takes initiative, is dedicated and precise.  May is also a wonderful artist.

Jason is learning to work the Point of Sale (POS).


About Jason

Jason loves to take orders on our Point of Sale system.  He is a hard worker and has a second job at Whole Food-Greenwich.  

Harrison standing the in one of the sitting rooms at Coffee for Good.


About Harrison

Harrison is in the Stamford Transition Service program.  He enjoys learning all the jobs involved in working at a coffee shop.

Coffee for Good trainee Jack in front of the condiment counter.


About Shanalee

Jack is a quick learner and preferred to start with our hardest position, Back Bar.   Jack also works at The Prospector Theater where he works a myriad of jobs from concession, tickets sales to the clean team.  Jack is also a glass artist and makes wonderful glass table tops, platters and containers. 

Emma standing in front of art in the paneled sitting room of Coffee for Good.


About Emma

Emma is a graduate of Greenwich High School and is currently a student at Norwalk Community College.  She is enjoying learning the Point of Sale and Back Bar positions.

Ethan standing in front of the condiment counter.


About Ethan

Ethan is a graduate of New Canaan High School and the New Canaan LAUNCH program.  Ethan loves to work and has had internships and part time jobs at a number of businesses including Upper Crust Bakery and JM Lummis.  He has mastered the POS and is looking forward to becoming a barista.  In his spare time he is on the Special Olympics tennis team.

Trainee standing near the barista bar.


About Nicole

Nicole is very friendly and is enjoying learning the POS.  She is 2018 graduate of Mamaroneck High School.

New trainee Mike working the Point of Sale.


About Mike

Mike is a graduate of Greenwich High School and has taken classes at Norwalk Community College.  He likes to work with kids and has volunteered at Stepping Stones Museum.  Mike is an enthusiastic and hard worker and a great team member.

Coffee for Good trainee Will standing in front of our merchandise shelf.


About Will

Will has quickly mastered the Point of Sale position at the coffee shop and is learning both the Back Bar and Barista roles.  Will is a student at UCONN - Stamford and hopes to work in publishing some day.



About David

David is one of our newer trainees but has already learned so many technical skills.  David's super power is politeness.  David is fluent in French and in fact speaks with a wonderful accent. 

Jimmy standing in front of the customer refrigerator.


About Jimmy

Jimmy has quickly learned all three positions at Coffee for Good, POS, Back Bar and Barista.  He is a hard worker.  Jimmy attends Norwalk Community College and hopes to work in the field of technology.



About Anabelle

Anabelle is a hard worker and great team member.  She is mastering the Point of Sale position. 

Tyler standing in front of our customer refrigerator.


About Tyler

Tyler is very independent and motivated to work.  He is a self-starter and has learned many of the skills necessary to operate a high end coffee shop.  He is now working how steaming milk for lattes and cappuccinos.



About Alejandra

Alejandra is a new trainee and is learning the Point of Sale position.  She loves to meet people and is a great team member.

Coffee for Good trainee Diego cleaning the condiment counter.


About Diego

Diego is an energetic and eager worker, he is learning the Point of Sale position.  He is a great team member.  Diego loves to read books and is very knowledgeable about wild animals.   He also loves movies. 

Trainee Tim


About Tim

Tim is a great team member.  He is a quick learner and has already excelled at the Point of Sale position.  Tim is very friendly and excited to learn and work!