Grand Opening – December 1, 2021
Coffee for Good had a Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony on December 1, 2021 after receiving 100% seating. First Selectman, Fred Camillo, officiated the ceremony with State Senator Ryan Fazio and State Representatives Steve Meskers and Harry Arora. Theo Brown, an Abilis client, sung the Star Spangled Banner. The ribbon was cut by the Coffee for Good board members as well as Max Grant, Senior Minister of Second Congregational Church, Amy Montimurro, CEO of Abilis, Emma Comesana-Vila and David Thompson, Manager and Assistant Manager of Coffee for Good, and two current trainees, Spencer Connolly and Jenn Jaboulay. Steve Meskers wrote a wonderful piece for his FaceBook page where he said after being a customer at Coffee for Good he “felt like a recipient of a moment of grace, sharing in our common humanity”. Come visit the coffee shop and be part of our mission.